Luma x20 APIs

Streaming APIs (RTSP/HTTP commands)

RTSP command for IP camera live stream:


  • Example: Fetch first stream using RTSP: rtsp://

  • Example: Fetch second stream using RTSP: rtsp://

  • Example: Fetch third stream using RTSP: rtsp://

  • Example: Fetch integration stream using RTSP: rtsp://

RTSP command for NVR live stream:


  • Example: Fetch main stream of channel 1 using RTSP: rtsp://

  • Example: Fetch sub stream of channel 1 using RTSP: rtsp://

HTTP Command for IP Camera Snapshot:

If the IPC is connected to a network switch: http://<host>:<port>/GetSnapshot

  • Example:

If the IPC is connected to an X20 NVR: http://<host>:<NVRPortNumber>/GetSnapshot

  • Example (Port 1 of X20 NVR):

Adding credentials to commands

If you need to add credentials to a command, insert them immediately after the rtsp://or http:// header as <username>:<password>@

  • Example: rtsp://admin:password@